What's the point, he said
Of what, she said
He stared hard into her eyes for a second and then glanced away, following a car as it drove by outside the window
Shoelaces, he said with a weak smile that tried to tie up loose ends
She chuckled and ate a piece of sushi after dipping it daintily in the soy sauce
They ate facing each other but their faces looked everywhere else
In passing his eyes over from the scene on her left side to the scene on her right, his met hers, and they shared a half second of connection before both blushed and continued to examine the room
"Let's gooo!! You look amazing babe! Our friends are waiting!"
"Have you seen my phone?"
He looked around the apartment, dropped flat to the floor to check under the couch, and hopped up to her smiling face right in front of his. "Got it," she said. "Let's go!"
He walked behind her to the elevator and admired the view. She walked in front of him to let him admire the view.
She did a James Bond spin into the elevator and asked in a 'British' accent "Which floor, my dear?"
Not eager to uncage his 'British' accent, he grabbed her at the hips and did a 'spicy' 'salsa' move.
In the car they caught up over the little things of the day -- the happenings which constitute the majority of life, to be sure, but which also for the most part are only interesting to another with whom enough time is spent that they share in many of these little happenings -- her morning run, his meeting at work, her funny encounter with the Phyllis of her office.
"That was great!" she said, stumbling a little as she got into the car for the ride home.
"Such nice people," he said. "And what delicious food! We need to remember that sangria recipe."
They looked at each other and shared a half second of connection before both blushed and got out of the car to go up to the apartment.