"It's always strange for me to come back home and have any sort of downtime after you've been out in front of crowds, night after night, thousands and thousands of people showing you love. Then you get back home and it's like, 'Whoa. I'm alone in these thoughts right now. Who am I?' It's weird and challenging and uncomfortable."
Now, maybe this a bit of a reach, but I'd say that sounds a lot like one of the big feelings I've had after the break up. All the newly found free time and the sudden cutoff of a huge source of external love and feedback have conspired to leave me in a quiet place with my own thoughts asking something along the lines of "Wow I haven't been forced to be with just myself in a while, who am I?" (the forcing is the new thing, since I would sit with my thoughts before but could leave more or less at my discretion; see vulnerability)
That's been weird and challenging and uncomfortable, for sure. But it also seems really valuable and definitely do-able the more I accept and confront it.
Hope whoever may see this post is doing all right, trucking on with the knowledge that they are a great human being with so much to give to the world (dating world and otherwise).